Princeton Youth Soccer Association (PYSA) is an independent recreational club comprised primarily of Princeton adult and child residents. We use town owned recreational fields, but are not affiliated with the Town of Princeton, Princeton Parks and Rec., or Thomas Prince School. Our administrative and coaching staff are all volunteers.
PYSA offers:
Spring and fall coed In-Town soccer for grade 2 and below.
Fall travel soccer for grades 3 - 8 with separate girls and boys teams.
Spring travel soccer for grades 3 - 8 with separate girls and boys teams through the Mountain Soccer Club. See the Travel Soccer page for more details.
Princeton is a small town. Our offerings depend upon sufficient volunteer coaches, administrative staff, and player registration. We work with surrounding towns to combine teams if numbers are insufficient.
Our mission is primarily developmental, not competitive. PYSA seeks to help its players develop their soccer skills, their love for the game, teamwork, sportsmanship, and character. Kids and parents are encouraged to have fun!